Webcam for LRP Home Page

Announcing webcam 1.2.0. In color and black & white versions.

The old version of webcam (1.1.2) is still hanging around for now.

Version 2.0 is coming eventually - with time stamps

You will need either a color or B&W Connectix parallel-port QuickCam as well as a copy of the Linux Router Project distribution.

Installation tips:

You might need to add mkdir /usr/local to your linuxrc file (it's part of root.lrp) if you don't see the local hierarchy show up at boot time.
Use the lrcfg menu program to configure your target host (including username and password) to tell your webcam where to put the pictures.

View one or two sample shots, or see if it's on now.

Please submit bug reports and feature requests to me, Ethan Dicks, at <>.

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